Thursday, July 12, 2007

WARNING - The Dangers of Drying boxes

I thought I would pass this along. I was sent this in an email.

With Nancy's kind permission she has allowed me to share the details
of Riva's tragic death as a warning to other Grey lovers. Please
feel free to repost this everywhere you can so that we can get the
word out on how dangerous these drying boxes can be.
Many Thanks

"Before Maggie there was Riva and I want tell you how we tragically
lost her last summer.

My husband was away for a few days and I decided to take Riva to a
groomer for just a good shampoo. I dropped her off at 8am and waited
to get a call that she was done, so I could pick her up.

I didn't get a call until 1pm and the groomer simply stated that
Riva was ready. I went to pick her up and when I went in to get her
she was lying on the floor in a pool of sweat, panting rapidly and
when I looked into her eyes I knew she was gone.

I asked the groomer what was going on and she said Maggie must be a
lttle overheated. I asked for help and had to pour Riva into the
backseat of my car. She bled on the way and when I arrrived at vet
tech the vet met me at the door and took one look at her and said
she was gone.

She had a temp of 108.7, the vets tried everything but with no
success. I was told that the groomer had put Riva in what was
refered to as a drying box, which completely encloses the dog in
plexiglass and pours heat in to rapidly dry a dog. You can imagine
what a horror it was for us to discover Riva has basically roasted
to death from the inside out. It was an outrage and the groomer has
never apologized then or now, and has never taken responsibility for
this tragedy.

Our friend that works for that law firm took the case pro bono and
we are suing the groomer and her business. Until this happened we
had never heard of drying boxes for dogs nor had any of the hundreds
of people we have sinced talked about this.

We have had local press do stories on this and it has raised the
public awareness that is far reaching. The most important issue is
the awareness, but we want an Apology from the groomer and our
expenses reimbursed and a donation to be made in Riva's name to
greyhound rescue. We are in the process of settling this mess and
just want it to be over.

In the meantime we have testified before a senate subcommitee to
pass a bill requiring that drying boxes be outlawed and that
groomers be licensed. If we can pass this legislation and it looks
very positive, we will be the first in the country to do so. The
bill will be called Riva's bill, so that will become something
positive out of such a tragedy. I wanted to share this with you, so
that you can share it with dog owners and anyone that is interested.

Drying boxes are used worldwide by some groomers, if you talk to the
average groomer most will say they wouldn't even consider using one
because they realize that they are almost a form of animal abuse and
can easily turn into a situation like the one I experienced. Let's
keep on protecting our grey friends anyway we can.

I feel this is a story that needs to be told.

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